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Springtime in Amsterdam
I ended up in Amsterdam, Netherlands, for two days in late April — the prime to be there. But what makes Amsterdam the ultimate spring-season destination?
Old Town Dubrovnik in a Day
I spent a day exploring the enchanting city of Old Town Dubrovnik in Croatia. Here’s how it went.
Athens, Greece is a Blend of Ancient History and Modern Life
I visited Athens, Greece, the birthplace of Western civilization, and was awed by the blend of ancient and modern cityscapes.
Journeying through the once Lost City, Petra
I journeyed to the Treasury in Petra, a wonder of the world in Jordan and learned the story behind the incredible architecture.
An Unexpected Oasis in Kenya
I spent a day at the prettiest beach in Kenya and checked out local restaurants highly rated on TripAdvisor to see if they live up to their reputations.
Marveling at the Elephanta Caves
I spent my final day in India traveling to the Elephanta Caves off the coast of Mumbai, and reflecting on my time in India.
No Mud, No Lotus: A Day at the Yoga Institute
I spent a day at the oldest yoga institute in the world in Mumbai, India.
A Love Set in Stone: The Taj Mahal
Exploring and learning about the history behind the Taj Mahal, a wonder of the world in Agra, India.
Exploring India’s Vibrant Media Culture
I dived into Mumbai’s vibrant media culture with my International Mass Communications class while studying abroad with Semester at Sea.