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Journeying through the once Lost City, Petra
I journeyed to the Treasury in Petra, a wonder of the world in Jordan and learned the story behind the incredible architecture.
Wadi Rum is an Entirely Different Planet
Wadi Rum, located a couple hours from Aqaba, Jordan, is one of the most beautiful and diverse deserts in the world. For a night and a day, I got the chance to explore all the desert has to show and experience local livelihoods in and around the desert.
Floating in the Dead Sea
I wrote about my experience floating in the Dead Sea for the very first time, and it was more magical than I ever could have imagined.
Visiting the Baptismal Site of Jesus Christ
While in Jordan, I got to visit the ancient site where Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist. The site is located near the Jordan River and the border to Israel.
Discovering Jordan through Amman
Discovering Jordan through its capitol city, Amman and the ancient Roman Citadel ruins.