Off-Season in Oia, Santorini

According to various sources, the prime time to visit Oia, the famous “Blue City” on the Greek island of Santorini, is from June through September. I’d imagine summer in Oia consists of tourists flowing through the pearly-white alleys, wandering into quaint souvenir shops filled with pricey but custom-made trinkets like canvas-laid paintings of the city and blue and white patterned clothing sets. Others are tanning in lounge chairs with a glass of champagne or petting the abundant population of cats. Aromas of freshly baked pita bread and spicy lamb cooked into a gyro waft from packed oceanside restaurants. The constant hum of music in stores and people conversing creates an ecstatic and lively energy in the Blue City.

But that’s just a theory. I visited Oia during the earliest days of spring, just as the weather was warming up, but not warm enough to make the Mediterranean feel refreshing.

March is the slowest time of the year in Oia - peak off-season. I initially felt apprehensive about visiting at that time, since many of my fellow travelers expressed worry. But, after conducting research, my group and I figured we would still have a lot of fun. We were right.

So, is Oia, Santorini worth visiting during the off-season?


A few places may be closed, but you’ll have an amazing experience nevertheless. You don’t have to worry about the crazy crowds the flock during the summer, and off-season prices will save you a lot of money. You’ll meet more locals and enjoy a serene and peaceful escapade in the Blue City.

Samantha Nordstrom

Travel and lifestyle photojournalist based in Colorado, USA.

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