Exploring Sintra and Porto, Portugal

Like many European countries, Portugal’s cities are connected closely across the country. One can easily travel between the cities by a short train or taxi ride. When the MV World Odyssey docked in Lisbon, I was lucky enough to not only enjoy the best of Lisbon, but to travel to nearby cities Sintra and Porto. Furthermore, Portugal was extra special because my mom flew in from Texas to meet me there. While in Sintra, we visited a couple (but not all) of the famous castles.

Exploring Sintra

The Pena Palace was built in the 12th century by King Manuel I and was originally a monastery. Around 1834, King Ferdinand II declared the monastery a summer retreat for the Portuguese royal family. Then Ferdinand’s son, King Luis, permanently moved the family into the palace (Embrace Someplace 2023). Today, the palace is a brightly colored museum tucked away in the forest. Visitors can admire the vibrant red and yellow walls and stone-carved detailings. For an additional cost, walk inside, which is beautifully furnished and inspired by the late Portuguese royal family lifestyle.

We also hiked the long, stone-brick walls of the Moorish Castle (Castelo dos Mouros). I loved seeing the spectacular views of the city of Sintra, and the Portugal countryside beyond. We explored the castle in the morning, which was the perfect time to go. I loved walking the castle walls and hiking the forest nearby in the crisp morning air. After exploring the castles all day, we grabbed dinner in the charming town-area of Sintra then caught a train back to Lisbon.

Exploring Porto

I first learned about Porto from a friend on the voyage. As we discussed our travel plans for Portugal, she told me about how eager she was to go to Porto, even if she had to go completely by herself. “What’s so special about Porto?” I asked her. “The most beautiful bookstore in the world is there — it inspired J.K. Rowling to write the Harry Potter series!” That sold me. Another friend from Texas, who used to live in Portugal and sent a list of recommendations, wrote this: “Everyone loves Porto. It’s magical. It was the original capital. Wander. It’s stunning.”

Truer words could not have been spoken. Porto rises up to be among my few favorite cities. Wandering the cobblestone streets beneath a mute gray sky and light drizzle of rain was a truly enchanting experience. I felt like I was in a city in a 1990s European fiction series like Harry Potter. We drank coffee and iconic port wine at the gorgeous Majestic Cafe and shopped at unique Porto boutiques like Natura, which was filled with Bohemian trinkets and charm.

Of course, we had to visit Livraria Lello, the famous bookshop I mentioned earlier. Upon entering, we were greeted by the grand, ruby red staircase that was said to inspire the staircases at Hogwarts. The stairs curve as they ascent, and each of the two staircases are lined with golden banisters. On each side of the shop, gold shelves are filled with books. More books and potted flowers line tables in the middle. We could barely walk, as the small shop was crowded with visitors reading, gawking, and taking photos at the grand staircase. Though cramped, it truly was a magical place — I can see why J.K. Rowling was inspired.

Overall, I had a wonderful time exploring the cities of Portugal. But the best part of it all was doing it with my mom (pictured above). After all, she’s the one who taught and nurtured my adventurous spirit, and she’s the reason I am where I am today.

So, I guess this post is dedicated to my mom. I love you!

Samantha Nordstrom

Travel and lifestyle photojournalist based in Colorado, USA.


The End of Voyage 131


Adventuring through Landscape and Culture in Morocco